Thanks for your votes

Dean Horst has been elected to be your new Franklin County Commissioner!

, we can bring liberty and prosperity to Franklin County, Pennsylvania.

We can't do this without you

Why Dean?

Lifetime of service

Dean served overseas in the Marine Corp in the 90's. He was deployed overseas during Operation Desert Storm.

Committed to Franklin County

Dean is a native of Franklin County, having graduated from Shalom Christian academy. After returning from the service, dean and his brother took over their family-owned business.

Conservative Values

Dean believes in low taxes, conserving our open spaces, and revitalizing our communities, all without placing the burden on the backs of Franklin County Residents.


“As your next County Commissioner, I will work efficiently for current and future Franklin County residents by reducing the tax burden, protecting seniors, ensuring that the taxpayer dollars are used responsibly, elevating the quality and standards of our schools, and protecting our businesses



As a small business owner, I know what it's like to deal with ridiculous taxes, burdensome regulations, and unnecessary delays in permit approvals. I pledge that I will NEVER vote for any kind of tax increase, while I serve as Commissioner. We can reduce the tax burden for citizens by ensuring taxpayer dollars are being spent wisely and responsibly.

Promote and attract Businesses

I’ll work with my partners in the state and federal government to ensure Franklin County receives development grants that help us pave the way for new small businesses and improved infrastructure.

Preserve our farms and open space

  • Thoroughly vetting any new developments approved by the Commissioners
  • Supporting a ban on the construction of large scale solar projects, on prime farmland
  • Ensuring warehouses and large developments are ONLY approved for appropriate areas. Prime farmland and land farther away from the Interstate must be protected
  • Working with the Planning Department and Agricultural Land Preservation Board to develop an updated comprehensive 10-year plan, to identify key areas for land preservation
  • Supporting the County’s Agricultural Conservation Easement Purchase Program, which helps preserve farmland and keep it in the hands of the farming families. I’ll also support expanding this program so even more farms can be saved in Franklin County

Safe Communities

  • l’ll ensure that our fire, police, and EMS Departments are fully funded with modern facilities that meet their needs
  • I will propose new county benefit incentives that help us retain and recruit firefighters, police officers, and paramedics
  • I’ll support the formation of a “fentanyl overdose crisis strike force” comprised of the County Commissioners, the District Attorney’s Office, the County Sheriff, the local chief of police, the State Police, and specialists in the prevention/treatment/recovery field. Fentanyl is now the number one killer of Americans aged 18-45, and Franklin County is ground zero for this Fentanyl overdose crisis. That is simply not acceptable.
  • This strike force will work to crack down on drug dealers, keep drugs off our streets, study overdose trends and patterns, and help those with addiction, to turn their lives around
  • I will work with my allies in the State and Federal government to ensure Franklin County receives more funding to combat drug dealers. Also, I will ensure our residents, who are suffering from addiction, receive the care and treatment they need.

Secure Elections

I will work with the election board to ensure that Franklin County has the most secure elections in the entire state. I’ll stand up to the State Department in Harrisburg and refuse to comply when they issue directives that weaken election security. Any ballots that are not correctly dated or signature verified must be set aside and not counted. I support regularly auditing the voter registration rolls to ensure all voters are still valid and deceased voters are removed. I’ll also support audits, after all, elections, to ensure that the ballot chain of custody was followed, and election law was correctly adhered to.

Fix Our Infrastructure

I understand the importance of maintaining our roads, railways, and bridges. For too long, Pennsylvanians have been left to suffer from the misadministration of funds that were meant to improve and maintain these critical pieces of our infrastructure. I’m committed to ensuring that funds intended for infrastructure… go to infrastructure. 

Together, with my team, I will petition the state to permit county oversight, in order to look at the funds raised from the PA Gas tax that are meant to go towards our roads but have been severely mismanaged.  Franklin County deserves the best roads and bridges in Pennsylvania!

Protect our Seniors

Far too often our seniors are forced to bear increasing financial burdens caused by maladministration and mismanagement of funds.

As Commissioner, I will not look at our seniors as just another taxpayer. I will ensure that the county limits tax increases and looks to other measures for funding, to avoid harming those on fixed and limited incomes.

I will work with the school districts across the county to ensure they are not raising property taxes on our seniors and pricing them out of their homes.

I’m committed to providing seniors a standard of service that has been lacking in Franklin County for far too long.

Elevate our schools

I grew up attending Franklin County schools as did my children.  However, it seems that too often, in schools today, administrations are spending funds on things that do not add to the quality of education, like pushing personal agendas. I will issue directives to the school districts of Franklin County, to ensure schools focus on what matters and not political programs or ideologies.

I also understand that many students are forced into the college pipeline starting in high school, yet many end up in debt and without a financially soluble job. I’m committed to working with the school districts to offer vocational training and alternative options for students in Franklin County, so they can graduate school, without debt and have a high-paying job waiting for them shortly thereafter. 

I’m a proponent of School Choice.  I believe that parents should have more options when it comes to their funds and their children’s school. I will always defend parental rights and involvement in their children’s school and will defer to the parents when it comes to their children’s future.

Whose Endorsing Dean?


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