County Commissioner Candidate, Horst, Announces Opposition to Proposed Massive Apartment Complex in Greene Township

Chambersburg- Dean Horst, Republican candidate for County Commissioner, announced his firm opposition this week to the planned high-density apartment complex off of Ragged Edge Road in Greene Township. The massive rental complex would be constructed on 70 acres of prime farmland. “The planned 676-unit apartment project will be a traffic nightmare for nearby residents, a strain on water and sewer systems, and will lead to other infrastructure problems”, said Horst. “Greene Township residents have made their voice loud and clear that they do not want this high-density apartment project changing the landscape of their community, nor is the community prepared to face the burden this will put on our existing infrastructure. I stand with them in strong opposition.  We must preserve the Franklin County way of life.”

One of Horst’s top priorities as County Commissioner will be to preserve more open space and farmland in Franklin County, and ensure the wellbeing of residents. To learn more about Dean Horst for Franklin County Commissioner, please visit and you can follow him on Facebook.